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Your donation makes a difference in

YOUR LOCAL community

For decades, United Way Sault Ste. Marie & Algoma District has been a part of the social fabric that connects our community.

We work to understand and respond to our community’s most critical needs and target your investments where they will show the greatest value. In doing this, we have three focus areas:, Moving Individuals From Poverty to Possibility Helping Kids Be All That Kids Can Be, Building Strong Communities


Father Daughter

A daughter of a senior widow called the United Way office for help with her father, who has the beginning stages of Alzheimer’s and was losing his house due to back property taxes owed. He hadn’t done his taxes since his wife passed and was not receiving all his income. The United Way staff member helped him with his taxes and talked to the City of SSM to ask them to wait on his house; through getting his taxes he received enough to pay off his property taxes and help with other bills. Now he is able to keep his house and receive the support he needs from his family!

College Student

My parents could not afford to send me to college and as a young mom I was unable to work. But, that didn’t stop me from chasing my dream. The Options Navigator program helped make my dream come true. The worker spoke to one of his connections in the community and became aware of the United Way Bursary Program at Sault College. I applied and was accepted. I was connected to an opportunity I didn’t know I had available to me and it changed my whole life.

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