United Way Sault Ste. Marie & Algoma District is happy to announce that Tampon Tuesday was an absolute success and that we are busy sorting the products for deliveries.
On Tuesday, March 9th, 2021 in celebration of International Women’s Day, we held a donation drive to celebrate women and bring light to the struggles that poverty brings to menstruation. This year we collected 574 boxes, totaling 13,541 individual products. With those donations we will be able to provide the supplies for 574 individual periods or for perspective, provide products for 56 women in poverty for a full year.
We would like to extend a sincere thank you to local businesses; Huron Superior Catholic Teachers Aecta, USW 9548 Tenaris, USW 2724 Salaried Workers, USW 2251 Algoma Steel, Grocery Store/Retail Store, EFTO Elementary Teachers, OSSTF Secondary Teachers, OPSEU Ontario Public Service Workers, Metro Locations, Food Basics, Rexall, Shoppers Drug Mart and with a huge thank you to the Sault Ste. Marie and District Labour Council.
Lastly, thank you to the community as a whole for coming together in this difficult time to support this great cause.